Fine Art
The term 'Fine Art' kind of makes me laugh, but yet it is the best 'official' phrase I can find to describe this series... really it's a 'gritty raunch fest that empowers the female form'.
I wanted to take these images as they challenged me, at the time I had extremely low self esteem so it was mentally challenging and it was physically challenging as most of the series were taken in extremely cold environments. I feel they capture the female prowess while having a natural edge ... obviously the colors have been changed but otherwise there is strictly no photoshop.
mother hen - Simply, I am the mother to my chickens, this was taken in Paradise Valley, Montana by Eduardo Garcia.
primitive hunting - I saw an amazing image of an African woman hunting in a Nat Geo magazine years ago, so when I learned to hunt in Montana I wanted to recreate a similar image. This image was taken high in Paradise Valley, Montana by Eduardo Garcia.
morse code - A friend of mine was learning Morse Code so I decided to learn it as well, I really enjoyed the simplicity and beauty of it. This photograph was taken on the south coast of England by Eduardo Garcia.